Sunday, June 14, 2020

Speech on Homework

Speech on homework is a text which is aimed to demonstrate the particular attitude towards the problem of homework. The speech on homework should have a clear flow and style and to be appropriate for official representation. Moreover, in order to sound more credible, the author is recommended to support the main idea with strong argument citing reliable sources. â€Å"Dear classmates, Today I would like to discuss the topic which is closely connected to our studying process and affects us on a daily basis not necessarily in the positive way. The homework has become an issue for every student in this class that is why I have decided to take it up for today’s debate. After a long day at school, we are supposed to come home to have a rest and to â€Å"digest† the information that was received during the classes. However, what really happens from day to day is that we get home, sit down at the table and pull out our homework†¦ Yes. Yet another dose of knowledge that supposed to be crammed into our brains somehow. It would be logical to ask, when does the relaxing part of the day start? Right after the homework is ready, close to the late night, depending on the amount of the work to be done. Nonetheless, after the prolonged period of intellectual efforts, the brain cannot calm down quickly. For that reason, students may experience anxiety, insomnia, and restlessness in general. All of the mentioned above factors provoke stress and permanent lack of sleep. As a result, overall performance at school declines rapidly. It can be said that the more the students do to higher their grades, the fewer results they get. According to the information recently posted in the Huffington post, there is no academic benefit in the homework after two hours for high school students and after one and a half hours for middle school students. Extensive amounts of information also cannot be absorbed after the particular limit. Additionally, there are cases showing that homework can take so much time that it consumes not only students free time but also their sleep. It is also important to not forget about social contacts, hobbies, and other personal activities which help to form a healthy person. Doing homework can lead to less family time and less time for personal activities out of the class like watching movies or playing sports. Students have no time for socialization which is especially important at the young age. However, it can be significantly decreased by the necessity to finish the homework on time causes the corruption or slow development of social skills which are vital in modern society. To conclude, staying up late and doing homework takes away a student’s time to sleep. Moreover, the lack of sleep can leave a student tired causing inability to focus on the discussed subjects and new material. Excessive homework also takes away free time for socialization and relaxing. For all of the mentioned above reasons I consider homework to be a controversial issue which was created in order to help students to become better on their path to knowledge but turned out to be the root of all evil.† 2.00 avg. rating (66% score) - 1 vote

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