Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Racial Discrimination And Discrimination - 1728 Words

â€Å"Racine quality† (Chaney p. 2) andism is an ideology, or belief system, designed to justify and rationalize racial and ethnic â€Å"discrimination, most basically, is behavior aimed at denying members of particular ethnic groups’ equal access to societal rewards† (Chaney p. 2). For decades there have been many instances where African Americans have been beaten and gunned down by police officers for wrong reasons, such as race and discrimination. Many of these cases have been unjustified and the officers have not been given any consequences for their actions. However, these trends did not begin in the 20th century this has been going on for as long as slavery and the civil rights movements. The goal of these officials is to make the black†¦show more content†¦3). African American males fall victims to police brutality due to cultural stereotypes of being â€Å"thugs†, drug dealers, and uneducated. The lack of understanding other cultural valu es plays a big role in why African American males are pinpointed. Many government officials do not understand the African American culture; they base their opinions of the â€Å"black man† off what is shown on television and in the newspaper. There are several stereotypes about African American males that make them an easy target for police officers to harass. People, police officers or not seem to think that most African American males should be feared. Many times I have walked into certain stores and watch women of other races clutch their purses, or I am followed around a store by the employees and security guards. Being continually watched does not make me feel comfortable at all. Why is it because the color of my skin I am already classified as a thief, drug dealer, and a dummy? Because of what is shown on television and in newspapers about black males I am forcefully put into a category. Being put in this category makes people as well as officers intimidated by me and other African American males. Once we are put in this category officers feel they have the right to protect themselves and others. My question is what are they protecting themselves from? One word NEGROPHOBIA. â€Å"Negrophobia can be surmised as an irrational of ‘Blacks, whichShow MoreRelatedRacial Discrimination Is Becoming A Larger Problem1771 Words   |  8 Pages Racial discrimination is when a person is treated less favorably than another person in a similar situation because of their race, color, national decent, ethnic origin or immigrant status (Know Your Rights: Racial Discrimination and Vilification). Racial discrimination has always been a problem, as shown in the article A Letter to My Nephew from the stimulus packet. However, as time goes by different forms of discrimination have branched out and become popular. 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